Doña Ana County, NM
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Facilities & Parks
845 N Motel Blvd
Las Cruces, NM 88007
(575) 647-7112 (Facilities)
(575) 525-6186 (Fairgrounds)
(575) 525-6181 (Vector Control)
(575) 525-6191 (Fax)
(575) 525-5951 (TDD)
Facilities & Parks
The Facilities & Parks Department comprises building attendants, grounds maintenance staff, facility maintenance staff, vector-control technicians and the administrative office staff.
These proud employees maintain all county buildings, parks, ballparks and community centers including the Southern New Mexico State Fairgrounds and Rodeo, which is owned by Doña Ana County. The department oversees major and minor remodeling of all county buildings, as well as building maintenance and services for the Doña Ana County Extension Services, the Third Judicial District Court, the Santa Teresa Airport and the Doña Ana County Public Health Building. Janitorial services for county buildings are conducted each day by the building-attendant personnel.
The department also administers state-appropriated facility grants throughout Doña Ana County and oversees grant-related facility construction projects.
The Vector Control Division works to control mosquitoes in various ways and also works to provide mosquito-prevention awareness.
The Facilities & Parks Department also is responsible for all county-building utilities, including electricity, propane, natural gas, water, sewer and sanitation.
Community Resource Center Assessment 2018
In 2018, Doña Ana County contracted with Garza & Associates to provide a comprehensive assessment of all Community Resource Centers (CRCs) countywide. The objective of the assessment was to evaluate uses and procedures for operation and management of all 15 centers and develop recommendations based on best practices for advancing their level of service to residents of Doña Ana County.